Sunday 28 February 2016

The Astrologer- Prop and Environment Research for Adaptation B

I was lucky enough to visit the R.A.S in London, the Royal Astronomical Society, to go see and photograph some antique telescopes. I needed to have something to reference my own telescope design for the adaptation project. I took a lot of photos, and tried a couple of sketches whilst I was there, but I mainly stuck with taking photographs.

I'd like my telescope to look slightly unusual and since there is a bird watcher theme to my astrologer, I'd like the telescope to resemble giant binoculars. 

The R.A.S had an incredible looking library, which I may use to reference from when designing the interior of the astrologer's home.


  1. Replies
    1. I know! :D so pretty, I couldn't go up the spiral staircase though but it was still great
